The Northern Skills Network is a partnership of 8 local provider networks across the North of England.
The Northern Skills Network (NSN) is proud to be a partnership of eight local provider networks across the North of England. Together, our members represent over 400 training providers and key stakeholders. This diverse group of members includes Independent Training Providers (ITPs), Further Education (FE) Colleges, VCSE Organizations, Local Authorities, Universities, Employer Providers, Awarding Organizations, and more. Our collective strength and shared commitment drive the advancement of vocational and technical education, fostering economic growth and development in our region.
Cheshire & Warrington Training Provider Network
The Cheshire and Warrington Training Provider Network , facilitates collaborative working between Independent Training Providers, FE colleges, HEIs as well as wider stakeholders in the skills and employment sector. The network is committed to supporting its members to deliver exceptional education and vocational training. Our focus includes harnessing local expertise, ensuring inclusivity, fostering sub-regional growth, promoting sustainability, engaging with communities, enhancing learner success, and building stronger industry partnerships to meet Cheshire and Warrington’s evolving workforce needs.
Greater Manchester Learning Provider Network
The Greater Manchester Learning Provider Network (GMLPN) has over 115 employment and skills providers operating across the Greater Manchester region, including ITPS, FE Colleges, Universities, Employer Providers, Local Authorities and Key Stakeholders.
GMLPN was established in 2006 and strives to improve the employment and skills system. Our ambition is to build a high quality skills system in Greater Manchester, achieve through our priorities: Influencing & Informing, Facilitating Response to Employer Skills Needs, Demonstrating the Impact of Vocational & Technical Skills, and Capacity Building.
Our core purpose is to support our members through Challenge, Change and Opportunity.
Lancashire Work Based Learning Forum
The Lancashire Work-Based Learning Executive Forum (LWBLEF) is committed to supporting its members to provide the highest quality of Work-Based learning opportunities to young people and adults within the workforce to the benefit of employers and the wider society in Lancashire.
Our intention is to continue establishing Work Based Learning as a valid and recognised route of choice including Higher Education and continued career progression.
South Yorkshire Provider Network
The South Yorkshire Provider Network is one of the largest networks of Further Education (FE)Colleges, Skills and Employability providers in the country. We are the preferred network of the Sheffield City Region (SCR) Local Enterprise Partnership (LEP), our network has gained a strong voice on issues such as devolution and the development of skills and employability provision across the area.

Cumbria Work Based Learning Provider Forum
The Cumbria Work Based Learning Provider Forum is a membership group made up of Education, Employment & Skills providers operating in Cumbria, Including those from the Independent sector, FE Colleges, Employer Providers, HE Institutions and Local Authorities.
Some of the key objectives of the Forum are:
- To ensure the provider voice in delivering the Cumbria Local Enterprise Partnership (CLEP) skills priorities, set by employers.
- To carry out research and provide intelligence on the reasons for skills trends in Cumbria to inform the CLEP.
- To provide a collective means of representation and lobbying for further education and skills providers.
- To provide an interface with the local authority, schools, academics and other key organisations and agencies eg NSN, AELP.
Greater Merseyside Learning Provider Federation
Greater Merseyside Learning Providers Federation (GMLPF) is a non-profit organisation that champions and supports nearly 70 Merseyside skills and education providers.
GMLPF is one of the largest networks of its kind in the country. We work with stakeholders such as the SFA, EFA, NAS, Connexions and North West Providers Network, providing a single voice for our members and promoting their services to employers, schools, parents and young people. We support the continual improvement of our members’ standards to benefit the individuals, communities and businesses in Liverpool City Region.
North East Learning Providers
North East Learning Providers (NELP) is a confederation of 30 organisations delivering work-based learning to young people and adults across the North East Local Authority areas.
We offer:
- A strong and united voice on issues that are important to the sector
- Direct contact with government bodies i.e. ESFA, DWP, NE LEP, Ofsted
- Peer support on all aspects of work within our sector, including inspections
- Collaborative funding and working opportunities
- Funded/sponsored training courses for Members’ staff
- Access to a Members’ website, database and notice board
- Signposting of employers to Member organisations
- Meetings, focus groups and events
- A dedicated executive working on Members’ behalf.
Yorkshire Learning Providers
Yorkshire Learning Providers operates the single largest employment and skills network in the Yorkshire region and works locally, regionally and nationally to bring members the latest updates, developments, advice and guidance on FE, skills, LEP and stakeholder business.
YLP is actively involved in lobbying locally and nationally to ensure that members voices are heard. Alex Miles, YLP MD, is a board member of the Leeds City Region Skills network, a member of the LEP Employment & Skills Board and the AELP strategic group – which ensures policy discussions and decisions are made with members involvement and priorities at the heart of the agenda. YLP are passionate about and dedicated to developing a high-quality skills system across Yorkshire & the North of England.